Publisher description
The Messaging Peer is a service that runs on your Windows computer. It allows a publicly-accessible (hosted) Linux server running PHP 5 or higher to make function calls against a Windows server that is behind a firewall, and not accessible from the public internet. It is ideally suited for situations where you want to deliver output from Windows applications from a Linux server and/or you need full control of the machine running the target code. The Windows machine remains hidden from public access. The Messaging Peer product is a companion product to SimpleIPC or SimpleIPC Express (also from Cognitier, inc.). You can write the code to be executed on the Windows machine in C# or VB.NET. Alternatively, you can use SimpleIPC's built-in script editor to write your Windows code in JScript.NET. The product includes extensive documentation, including sample code for actions such as creating and returning a Microsoft Word document from PHP running on a Linux server.
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